Antivirus, why you should use it.

Antivirus software is incredibly important for any computer user. It helps to protect your computer from a variety of threats, including viruses, malware, spyware, and other malicious software that can harm your computer or steal your personal information¹. Here are some reasons why antivirus software is important:

  1. Viruses slow down your computer: When a computer falls victim to malware, a virus or any other type of cyber attack, its performance will be hindered significantly.
  2. Protecting your data: Hackers are increasingly launching devastating attacks on unsuspecting victims. Antivirus software can help protect your data from these attacks.
  3. Prevent data loss: Antivirus software can help prevent data loss by detecting and removing viruses that can corrupt files and cause system crashes.
  4. Protecting children: Antivirus software can help protect children from online predators by blocking access to inappropriate websites and monitoring their online activity.
  5. Ensure your device is hack proof: Antivirus software can help ensure that your device is hack proof by detecting and removing malware that can be used to gain unauthorized access to your device.

In addition to the above reasons, antivirus software is also important because it can:

  1. Protect against all kinds of malware: Trojans, botnets, ransomware, rootkits—antivirus utilities protect against all kinds of malware, not just viruses.
  2. Alert you of anything that is deemed suspicious and mitigate incoming attacks: A good antivirus programme will look for cyber security threats and alert you of anything that is deemed suspicious.
  3. Prevent unwanted persons from entering: Antivirus protection is essential for any business wanting to protect their data and computer systems from becoming corrupted.

Computer Services uses ESET Endpoint Security on our systems to keep us protected from threats, we are also ESET Partners and an help you choose the right product for your IT Security needs, from home to business and mobile solutions… Check out our ESET page..

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